Third place
Cassandra Pop, Cosmin Anghelache
The Artisan and the Designer are brought face to face by Meșteshukar ButiQ. Behind the product there is an idea; behind an idea there is a dialogue. Between both. Sitting at a table.Talking and putting each other’s different backgrounds face to face. Meanwhile, the collection of ideas nurtured by them takes shape and becomes tangible to the consumer later on. On the table. Therefore, the table becomes a symbolic witness in their creation process and it naturally acts as an exhibition base for the products showcased inside the store. In thismanner the visitor’s experience becomes more tangible and less solemn; he is invited to take a sit at the table and let his mind rest for a minute. From that point on the visitor steps into an imaginative world based on silent or non-silent interaction with the others and the products. The creation process is exhibited as well through the dialogue maintained by the upcoming visitors who face each other at the table. The products found on the table are brought to life and are no longer stand-alone elements. Their stillness is replaced with interaction. Thus, the table becomes not only a collection of products but also a collection of ideas, present and future ones.
The entire space inside the store loses its materiality by becoming a monochromatic background in order to highlight the collections and dialogue. The exhibition space is no longer formal but rather domestic and multifunctional.