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12 iunie 2017 • Profesional

Bienala Internațională de Arhitectură Cracovia 2017

Stimați colegi,

Transmitem alăturat, din partea OAR, invitația de participare la concursurile din cadrul Bienalei de Arhitectură din Cracovia, Polonia, care va avea loc la Centrul de Congrese ICE în perioada 12-13 octombrie 2017.

Cu stimă,

12 iunie 2017

arh. Cornelia Burcuș
Secretar Executiv


Doamna/Domnule Arhitect,

Primaria Cracovia si Asociatia Arhitectilor Polonezi, Filiala Cracovia, va invita sa participati la concursurile din cadrul Bienalei Internationale de Arhitectura din Cracovia, care va avea loc la Centrul de Congrese ICE, in perioada 12-13 octombrie 2017.

Bienala este un eveniment care se organizeaza incepand cu anul 1985. Titlul editiei din acest an este “Curtea din spate – domeniu al imaginatiei”. Tema se refera la spatii semi-private din oras, la amenajarea curtilor din spate si a spatiilor dintre blocuri, care au caracter exclusiv utilitar, fiind delimitate prin garduri, mesuri metalice si ziduri, unde se gasesc de obicei pubele de gunoi sau masini si rareori spatii verzi bine intretinute. Alte spatii avute in vedere sunt cele dintre blocurile din cartierele de locuinte post-comuniste, care nu folosesc nimanui si la nimic, cu pajisti prost intretinute si spatii verzi proiectate la intamplare.

Participantiii trebuie sa propuna diferite solutii referitoare la tema principala a dezbaterii, axandu-se pe urmatoarele subiecte:

Concursurile sunt organizate pe trei categorii:

Concursul A – concurs de arhitectura si urbanism

Concursul B – concurs seminar

Concursul C – concurs multimedia.

Rezultatul scontat al Bienalei este activarea comunitatii in vederea crearii unor spatii de mai buna calitate, atat semi-private cat si publice, nu numai prin valoarea lor practica, dar si prin experientele estetice si emotionale, adeseori decisive pentru a le imprima un caracter accesibil.

Mai multe informatii se gasesc online accesand:

Cu deosebita consideratie,

Mariana Ionescu

Consilier Relatii Internationale

Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania
Strada Arthur Verona, Pictor nr. 19
sector 1, Bucuresti, 010312
Tel/fax 021 317 26 34, 0728 872 150,


--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SARP Oddział Kraków <>
Date: 2017-06-09 12:10 GMT+03:00
Subject: International Biennale of Architecture Krakow 2017

Serban Tiganas


Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania-OAR

Dear Sir,

City of Krakow and the Association of Polish Architects Krakow Branch cordially invite to take part in the competitions of the International Biennale of Architecture in Krakow, whose next edition (MBA KRK 2017) shall take part on the 12th -13th October at the ICE Congress Centre. We shall be most obliged for the possibly broad promotion and dissemination of the Biennale within the framework of an architectural institution which is represented / headed by your Person and in your country in general. In case of publication of the Biennale in your available electronic media, we will gladly publish the links, if we recive them.

Biennale is an event taking place since the year 1985. The title of this year's edition of the Biennale is "Backyard – field of imagination". The subject-matter covers semi-private spaces in the city. It is the landscape of backyards and interiors of central urban blocks, of completely utilitarian character, which is divided by various fences, metal meshes, and walls, filled mainly with rubbish bins or cars, rarely with well-maintained verdure. This is also the landscape between blocks of flats of Post-communist housing estates, actually serving no one and no real purpose, marked by poorly maintained lawns and randomly shaped greenery.

Biennale participants are expected to deliver various forms of presentations, regarding the main topic of the debate, taking into consideration the following issues:
1) urban design in micro-scale,
2) city and its life at the verge of private and social zones,
3) search for the shape of small spaces,
4) search for unity in diversity of spaces.

Three basic levels of confrontation will serve this purpose:
1) Competition A – architectural and urban competition
2) Competition B – seminar competition
3) Competition C – multimedia competition

The expected result of the Biennale is the activation of the community to create spaces of better quality, from semi-private to public, not only through practical values, but also in terms of aesthetic and emotional experiences, often crucial to accept urban space as human friendly.

More information on the MBA KRK 2017 to be found at: and FB: More information on the competitions within the frame of the MBA KRK 2017 available at: and FB:

Hoping for your kind assistance in respect of the Biennale promotion, we remain with best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Bohdan Lisowski, architect
President of the Board of the Association of Polish Architects Kraków Branch

Marek Kaszyński, architect
Commissioner of the MBA KRK 2017
Association of Polish Architects, Kraków Branch