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19 iulie 2016 • Evenimente

Festivalul Mondial de Arhitectura Berlin 16-18 noiembrie 2016

Stiumați colegi,

Transmitem din partea OAR Comunicatul de Presă privind Festivalul Mondial de Arhitectură care va avea loc în perioada 16-18 noiembrie 2016 la Berlin.

Cu stimă,

19 iulie 2016

arh. Cornelia Burcuș
Secretar Executiv

Doamna/Domnule Arhitect,

Va transmitem Comunicatul de presa privind Festivalul Mondial de Arhitectura, care va avea loc la Berlin, in perioada 16-18 nov. 2016.

Accesand link-urile din email-ul de mai jos, puteti afla mai multe detalii despre editia din 2015, precum si despre editia de anul acesta a Festivalului (Lista scurta a proiectelor finaliste – realizate si viitoare, programul seminarului, taxe de inscriere, juriu etc.).

 Cu deosebita consideratie,

 Mariana Ionescu

Consilier Relatii internationale

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rossella Forle <>
Date: 2016-07-12 14:07 GMT+03:00
Subject: WAF 2016
To: "" <>, "" <>

The World Architecture Festival takes place from 16th – 18th November in Berlin this year. It is the brainchild of Paul Finch. WAF is the world’s largest international architecture event. 70% of our audience is architects that attend WAF to be part of the community celebrate the profession and passion and reinvigorate their ideas.

Take a look at our highlights video from the World Architecture Click here: Festival 2015

This year the WAF seminar and keynote programme theme is “Housing for all” sub- theme Berlin. This is prompted by a variety of influences not least the situation of displaced communities. The growing understanding of how demographics and global urbanization are forcing change in the way we think about “housing”. In respect of Berlin, there will be assessments of how the city has approached housing supply historically.

Lectures from the most established architects will be accompanied by insights from some of today’s exciting up and coming talents in talks, discussions and lively debates.

The World Architecture Festival is also the place where you can network and engage face – to – face with leading with architects and suppliers from all around the world

Follow the link to find more about WAF and INSIDE

I have attached the Logo if you want to use it on your website.

All the best,


Rossella Forle’

Festival Consultant

Direct line: +44 203 033 2789

Telephone House 
69 - 77 Paul Street
EC2A 4NQ  

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