Stimate colege auditori energetici,
Stimati colegi auditori energetici,
Transmitem alaturat, in limba engleza in original, invitatia de a participa la workshop-ul organizat de Austrian Energy Agency miercuri 29 februarie 2012 in localitatea Wels, Austria pe tema metodei de stabilire a tipologiei cladirilor in vederea reabilitarii termice.
Workshop-ul dureaza o zi, taxa de participare este de 100 EURO.
Pentru detalii privind programul manifestarii si inregistrarea participantilor va invitam sa consultati materialul alaturat.
Cu stima,
23 ianuarie 2012
Secretar Executiv
arh. Cornelia Burcus
Filiala Teritoriala Bucuresti a Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014, Bucuresti, Romania
tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163
Dear Madam or Sir,
we would like to draw your attention to an expert workshop on methods for the set-up of national housing stock models. Many energy and building experts are presently facing the same questions:
- What is the level of energy performance of the different building types in the national housing stock?
- How many existing buildings have already been refurbished? Which kinds of measures were applied in the past?
- What is the annual rate of energy refurbishment?
- Which energy saving potentials could theoretically be achieved in the housing stock through existing technologies?
- Can the average relation of calculated and actually measured energy consumption be determined?
- Which refurbishment strategies must be implemented to achieve the national climate protection targets?
- How can the related investment costs and required subsidies be estimated?
Although the building stock situation and the renovation processes are different in each European country, the methods to assess them and to investigate improvement strategies are similar. To discuss these methodological questions, we would like to invite you to participate at the
International Expert Workshop
"Energy Assessment of National Housing Stocks - Building Typologies"
which will take place on
Wednesday, 29th February 2012
in the framework of the "World Sustainable Energy Days 2012"
in Wels / AUSTRIA
participation fee: 100 ?
During the workshop experts from different European countries will share insights about their approaches to set up building typologies and housing stock models, to collect the necessary data and statistics and to apply these instruments for the continuous development of policies and measures.
The event is organised by the Austrian Energy Agency in the framework of the IEE-Project "TABULA".
Workshop programme: ExpertWorkshop_BuildingTypologies_Programme.pdf.
Online registration form:
Best regards,
Tobias Loga and Nikolaus Diefenbach
IWU - Institut Wohnen und Umwelt / Institute for Housing and Environment / Germany
on behalf of the TABULA team:
IWU, Germany
NOA, Greece
ZRMK, Slovenia
ADEME, France
Energy Action, Ireland
VITO, Belgium
NAPE, Poland
AEA, Austria
SOFENA, Bulgaria
MDH, Sweden
STUK, Czech Republic
SBi, Denmark
IVE, Spain
Uni Belgrade, Serbia
The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.