Prima paginăAnunțurioctombrie 2011 › Concursul de arhitectura "Statia de metrou 20" Sofia, Bulgaria
12 octombrie 2011

Concursul de arhitectura "Statia de metrou 20" Sofia, Bulgaria

Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,

Transmitem alaturat informatii privind concursul de arhitectura "Statia de metrou 20" Sofia, Bulgaria.

Cu stima,

12 octombrie 2011

Secretar Executiv
arh. Cornelia Burcus

Filiala Teritoriala Bucuresti a Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014, Bucuresti, Romania
tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Va transmitem mai jos informatii despre Concursul de Arhitectura "Statia de Metrou 20" din Sofia, Bulgaria, organizat de Primaria Sofia in colaborare cu Saptamana de Arhitectura din Sofia, avand ca tema proiectarea statiei de metrou 20 si a spatiului public de deasupra.

Limba de desfasurare a concursului este bulgara, dar anumite parti ale concursului se vor desfasura in engleza.
In speranta ca acest concurs ii va interesa pe membrii filialei Dv., va multumim anticipat pentru diseminarea acestor informatii.

Cu deosebita consideratie,

Mariana Ionescu

Consilier Relatii Internationale
Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania
Str. Pictor Arthur Verona nr. 19
010312 Bucuresti 1 Romania
Tel.: 0728 872 150 - Secretariat
Tel./Fax: 021 317.26.34 (5) - Secretariat
Mobil: 0728 872 139

----- Original Message ----- From: Station 20 Competition
To: ;
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2011 12:08 PM
Subject: Invitation for competition for architectural design of Metro station 20 in Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia Municipality and Sofia Architecture Week invites all architects to participate in a competition for
preliminary architectural design of Metro station 20 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The project should be a proposal
for a comprehensive sustainable architectural concept for the metro station and the public space above it.
It should be designed according to the specific requirements of the underground rail transport system
as well as the contemporary principals of urbanism. The authors of the project that wins first prize will
enter into an agreement with Sofia Municipality and Metropolitan EAD for commissioning the working
documentation for this project.


Chairman of the Jury:
- Petar Dikov - chief architect of Sofia


- Petar Torniov - architect, curator of Sofia Architecture Week 2009, editor-in-chief of Abitare Bulgaria;
- Anna Tilova - architect, Metroproekt;
- Elena Paktiaval - architect, RGB Ltd.;
- Ivo Panteleev - architect, vice-chairman of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria;
- Boicho Boichev - representative of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria;
- Hans Ibelings - curator of Sofia Architecture Week 2011; art historian, independent architectural
critic and editor of A10 - the magazine for new European architecture, Rotterdam, Holland;
- Eduardo Gutiérrez - architect, ON-A Architects, Barcelona, Spain;
- Adam Hatvani - architect, Sporarchitects, Budapest, Hungary;


- One first prize - 10,000 BGN and a commission
- One second prize - 6,000 BGN
- One third prize - 4,000 BGN

The competition projects will be exhibited and discussed in public after the end of the competition.

This year Sofia Architecture Week will be held on November 1-6, 2011. For more information
on the program, lecturers, exhibitions and discussions please check:

For contact and information on the Station 20 Competition :
Pavel Yanchev - architect
Orlin Manolov - architect
Zlatko Terziev - urban planner

-- Station 20 Competition