Prima paginăAnunțurimai 2011 › Dezbatere publica - "Smart Cities and Communities Initiative"
4 mai 2011

Dezbatere publica - "Smart Cities and Communities Initiative"

Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,

Revenim cu invitatia de a raspunde la chestionarul lansat de Comisia Europeana in problematica RES - aplicatii urbane "Smart Cities and Communities Initiative".
Termenul limita pentru completarea chestionarului este miercuri 11 mai 2011.
Adresa este:

Cu stima,

4 mai 2011

Secretar Executiv
arh. Cornelia Burcus

Filiala Teritoriala Bucuresti a Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014, Bucuresti, Romania
tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Nu degeaba m-au numit colaboratorii apropiati "Woody WoodPacker Manager": va
reamintesc din nou, a treia oara (all good things come in threes...) ca
raspunsul Dvs. in consultarea publica initiata de Comisia Europeana in
problematica RES - aplicatii urbane "Smart Cities and Communities
Initiative" *poate ajuta energia geotermala sa ocupe locul pe care il

In acest sens, *staful EGEC ne transmite si cateva argumente* pe care le
puteti folosi in raspunsurile Dvs. ca atare sau adaptate parerilor proprii.
Daca ati raspuns deja (cum am facut-o eu), sunt sigura ca ati invocat
argumente similare (cum am facut-o si eu). Daca nu ati raspuns inca, aveti
timp sa o faceti pana vinerea viitoare 13 Mai 2011 la adresa

Va rog sa *va faceti un serviciu si sa participati la dezbaterea
publica*ca sa nu ajungem sa ne plangem ca strategiile UE desconsidera
sau ignora
domeniul nostru de activitate. Cititi recomandarile EGEC marcate cu galben
mai jos. Sunt argumente valabile in orice dezbatere RES.

Va multumesc mult. Succes!


Executive Manager
Romanian Geoexchange Society

004 0752448960 / 004 0722631779

*2.2. *The only RES technology omitted is deep geothermal. Geothermal is the
only energy technology that is renewable, available anywhere, produces
electricity & heating 24/365, with plants sizeable to demand. Smart cities
must include geothermal. An innovative project would be a city with a large
use of geothermal:

Urban dense areas: EGS for electricity upon demand, with cascade uses;
district heating, industrial processes, spas etc.; a development with local

Less populated areas: small & large shallow geothermal systems for heating &
cooling, with underground thermal energy storage.

We can help in replication of the best practices for geothermal projects.
Examples exist in each of the EU27:

- *3.2.* Around 200 operating geothermal district heating systems,
and 20 projects in the pipeline, in more than 20 European countries (Paris,
Munich, Southampton, Madrid, Heerlen, Altheim, Szentes, Mons.). -
thermal energy storage like in Arlanda airport (SE), Utrecht (NL) etc.
EGS in Soultz-sous-forêt (FR), Landau (DE) - Geothermal HP systems
are present in all EU Member States3

*3.4. *It is high time that the cities and the EU set targets become smarter
beyond the existing targets for 2020. A clear and ambitious mandatory target
must be introduced as soon as possible.
Regardless of the chosen model, European citizens, politicians, media and
organisations will have a very good indication about their local
decision-maker's level of ambition if they fix ambitious future objectives
on RES development at local level.

*3.6. *Firstly, we should not talk about low carbon but rather zero carbon
or renewable technologies if we wish to reach our 2050 objectives of
emissions reduction.

One important immediate measure concerns the increase in the retrofitting
rate with a large integration of RES into buildings, the introduction of a
building obligation for new and existing buildings

2011/4/27 Doinita-Iuliana Cucueteanu <>

Stimati colegi,
Va reamintesc ca 13 mai 2011 este termenul limita pana la care este
deschisa *consultarea publica pe tema "Smart Cities and Communities
Initiative" lansata de Comisia Europeana. *
Deoarece domeniul nostru de activitate este vital interesat de reactia CE
pe baza concluziilor acestei consultari va rog sa alocati 5-6 minute si sa
completati chestionarul (in eventualitatea ca nu ati facut-o deja dupa
apelul meu anterior). Linkul este in mesajul RH&C Platform de mai jos.
Va multumesc si va urez succes.

Executive Manager
Romanian Geoexchange Society
004 0752448960 / 004 0722631779

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RHC-Platform <>
Date: 2011/4/22
Subject: Open Consultation on the Smart Cities and Communities Initiative

*Open Consultation on the Smart Cities and Communities initiative: input
needed from the Renewable Heating &Cooling sector!*

*Brussels, 22 April 2011 - *The European Commission recently launched a
consultation on the "Smart Cities and Communities" initiative. The
consultation, which is available on the website of the Directorate General
for Energy, seeks the opinion from all relevant stakeholders. Its purpose is
to establish a European vision for the Smart Cities and Communities
initiative, to receive feedback and additional ideas on this proposal.

The input should be given by means of an online questionnaire and it gives
the opportunity to all interested parties to express their views in the
preparation stage of the initiative. The Secretariat of the RHC-Platform is
certainly going to participate in this consultation, however we encourage
all European industry and research stakeholders from the renewable heating
and cooling sector to respond individually and include any comments you
think are appropriate.

Renewable energy solutions for heating and cooling should be part of each
single project supported by the European Commission under the Smart Cities
initiative, taking into account local resources. This was the key message
emerged from the event<>organized by the RHC-Platform on the 9 February 2011 in Brussels. The
RHC-Platforms dedicates one specific session of its upcoming Annual
Conference <> to further
discussing the role of renewable heating and cooling technologies in EU

To participate in the Smart Cities and Communities consultation, please
follow the guidelines on the European Commission website, the process is
very simple. Should you have questions please do not hesitate to get back to
us. *The consultation is open until the 13 May 2011*. For your convenience
we attach the consultation document available for download on the European
Commission website<>
*RHC-Platform resolution on* *Smart Cities *

Please find the RHC-Platform's resolution on the Smart Cities Initiative on
our website
*European Commission consultation on* *the Smart Cities and Communities

Please find below the link to the online questionnaire:
*About the European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling*
*The European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling
(RHC-Platform) brings together industry, research and policy stakeholders to
define and implement a common strategy for increasing the use of renewable
energy technologies in heating and cooling. *

* *

*Building on the work of the European Solar Thermal Technology Platform
(ESTTP, in existence from 2005-2008), four major European organisations -
EUREC Agency, AEBIOM, EGEC and ESTIF - through the Secretariat of the
RHC-Platform are spearheading the development of a common Vision and a
Strategic Research Agenda for the renewable heating and cooling sector in
Europe. *
*The RHC-Platform, officially endorsed by the European Commission since
October 2008, is playing a decisive role in maximising synergies and
strengthening efforts towards research, development and technological
innovation which will consolidate Europe's leading position in the sector.

*About European Technology Platforms*
*European Technology Platforms represent a framework for stakeholders, led
by industry, to define research and development priorities, timeframes and
action plans on a number of strategically important issues. They also play a
key role in ensuring an adequate focus of research funding on areas with a
high degree of industrial relevance, by covering the whole economic value
chain and by mobilising public authorities at national and regional levels.
c/o EUREC Agency

Renewable Energy House
Rue d'Arlon 63-67
B-1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 546 19 30
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