Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,
Transmitem informatii referitoare la Concursul International de Proiectare
pentru Siturile Istoriei Evreiesti din Lviv, Ucraina, organizat de Comitetul
Executiv al Consiliului Municipal Lviv si lansat pe 6 august 2010.
Pentru detalii va invitam sa consultati materialul alaturat.
Cu stima,
15 septembrie 2010
Secretar Executiv
arh. Cornelia Burcus
Filiala Teritoriala Bucuresti a Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014, Bucuresti, Romania
tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163
Concursul International de Proiectare pentru Siturile Istoriei Evreiesti din
Lviv, Ucraina, organizat de Comitetul Executiv al Consiliului Municipal Lviv
si lansat pe 6 august 2010. Concursul se refera la trei situri distincte din
orasul Lviv, care sunt strans legate de viata comunitatii evreiesti de
dinaintea celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial si de distrugerea acesteia din
perioada ocupatiei naziste.
Scopul concursului este sprijinirea si sensibilizarea trecutului multi-etnic
al orasului Lviv prin redescoperirea patrimoniului comunitatii evreiesti,
disparuta aproape in totalitate. Concursul isi propune, in acelasi timp, sa
identifice solutii in vederea folosirii optime a acestor trei spatii
publice, pentru sporirea valorii acestora de puncte de atractie pentru
localnici si turisti si, prin aceasta, a evidentierii semnificatiei
Participantii sunt rugati sa trimita proiecte pentru urmatoarele situri:
- Concursul pentru Piata Sinagogii, sit UNESCO din centrul istoric,
care a jucat un rol important in viata religioasa si culturala a comunitatii
evreiesti din orasul Lviv si care, in prezent, este o piata publica
- Concursul pentru Parcul Memorial Besojlem - situl care, odinioara,
facea parte dintr-un cimitir evreiesc istoric devastat in timpul
Holocaustului, este, in prezent, un parc legat de curtea Maternitatii
Municipale din Lvov.
- Concursul pentru Memorialul Lagarului de Concentrare Yanivsky - situl
este situat langa fostul lagar de concentrare Yanivsky, unde au avut loc
ucideri in masa, fiind cunoscut sub numele de Valea Mortii; in prezent, face
parte din rezervatia naturala Dealul Kortumov din nord-estul orasului Lviv.
Termenul-limita de transmitere a proiectelor este 1 decembrie 2010, ora
18:00 (EET). Vor fi acordate premii pentru fiecare sit. Castigatorii vor fi
anuntati pe 15 decembrie 2010.
Nu exista taxa de inscriere, dar participantii trebuie sa se inscrie pana pe
10 noiembrie 2010 prin email la sau prin fax la
38 032 275 13 09.
Toate materialele pot fi descarcate la: (in engleza si ucraineana).
Intrebarile pot fi trimise pe email la:
Mai multe detalii gasiti in email-ul alaturat.
From: "Sofia Dyak"
Subject: International Design Competition for the Sites of Jewish History in
Lviv, Ukraine
Date: 13 septembrie 2010 18:38
Dear Sir/Madame,
We would like to inform you about the International Design Competition for
the Sites of Jewish History in Lviv, Ukraine, announced by the Executive
Committee of the Lviv City Council on August 6, 2010.
The competition is for proposals for three separate sites in the city that
have important connections to the life of the Jewish community before the
Second World War, and to its destruction during the Nazi occupation.
The competition has two interconnected agendas. The first is to support and
further encourage the emerging awareness of Lviv's multi-ethnic past by
contributing to the rediscovery of the heritage of its almost completely
vanished Jewish community. The other is to find solutions for bettering the
design and use of these three public open spaces in order to improve their
value as amenities for the local inhabitants and visitors, and in doing so,
draw attention to the significance of the sites.
Participants are invited to submit proposals for each or all of the
*Competition for the Synagogue Square*
A site in Lviv's UNESCO listed historic center which played an important
role in the religious and cultural life of Lviv's Jewish community. It is
now used as a public open space. Before the Second World War, here
stood:the Great City Synagogue, the Turei Zahav Synagogue (the Golden
Rose or
Nachmanovych Synagogue), and the community's Beth Hamidrash building. **
*Competition for the Besojlem Memorial Park*
The site, which was once part of an historic Jewish cemetery laid to waste
during the Holocaust, now parkland connected to the courtyard of Lviv
Municipal Maternity Hospital.
*Competition for the Yanivsky Concentration Camp Memorial*
The site near the Yanivsky concentration camp, where mass killings took
place. The place was known as the Valley of Death (Dolyna smerti), and is
now part of the Kortumov Hill nature reserve northeast of Lviv.
The submission deadline is 6 p.m. (EET), December 1, 2010. Prizes are to be
awarded for each of the competition sites. Winners are to be announced on
December 15, 2010.
There is no entry fee, but to be eligible, competitors must register no
later than November 10, 2010 by email to, or
by fax to 38 032 275 13 09
All competition materials can be downloaded at (in English and Ukrainian)
For questions, please write to
Yours faithfully
Sofia Dyak
Competition Secretary
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe
vul. Akad. Bohomoltsia 6
79005 Lviv Ukraine
tel. +38-0322-75.17.34 / 75.17.64
fax +38-0322-75.13.09