Prima paginăAnunțuriiulie 2010 › Vernisajul expozitiei "Daniel AULAGNIER in peisajul arhitectural al lui Le Corbusier la Firminy"
5 iulie 2010

Vernisajul expozitiei "Daniel AULAGNIER in peisajul arhitectural al lui Le Corbusier la Firminy"

Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,

Va invitam sa participati la vernisajul expozitiei "Daniel AULAGNIER in
peisajul arhitectural al lui Le Corbusier la Firminy" care va avea loc marti
6 iulie 2010 ora 19:00 la libraria Carturesti str. Pictor Verona nr.13.
Expozitia este deschisa in perioada 6 - 10 iulie 2010.

Cu stima,

5 iulie 2010

Secretar Executiv
arh. Cornelia Burcus

Filiala Teritoriala Bucuresti a Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014, Bucuresti, Romania
tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania prezinta expozitia

DANIEL AULAGNIER in peisajul arhitectural al lui Le Corbusier la Firminy

Vernisaj 6 iulie 2010, ora 19:00

sub_Carturesti din str. Pictor Verona 13, Bucuresti

6 - 10 iulie

Nascut la Firminy, artistul conceptual Daniel Aulagnier traieste si lucreaza
la Paris unde preda la Universitatea de Arhitectura Belville. El abordeaza
medii diverse si, in aceasta expozitie, interogheaza relatia dintre spatiu
si obiectul construit pornind de la viziunea lui Le Corbusier.

Ma pratique actuelle se caracterise de plus en plus a travers divers mediums
et procede d'une attention particuliere portee au contexte environnemental.
Les oeuvres realisees par Le Corbusier a Firminy, ma ville natale, ont ete
pretexte a elaborer un projet specifique. Fidele au fondement de mes travaux
anterieurs sur les systemes de difference, de confrontation, j'ai recherche
dans le processus architectural de Le Corbusier des signes de combinaisons
de volumes et d'espaces qui me permettent de nourrir et d'élargir mon
travail. J'ai construit ma propre vision de ces architectures et a partir de
la surface energetique de la feuille blanche, j'ai realise des plats > en additionnant la metaphore de la couleur a l'intention
sculpturale. Les dessins/schemas prennent alors pour objet les ambivalences
d'ambiances, les contraires que j'ai pu percevoir. Ces fragments
d'architectures captes, derobes aux realisations de Le Corbusier deviennent
une interrogation nee de l'ecart entre le sujet et le projet, le reel et

Daniel Aulagnier

My current practice is more and more characterized by the use of a variety
of means and it proceeds from specific attention focused on the
environmental context. In my hometown of Firminy, Le Corbusier's works have
been the pretext for the elaboration a specific project. As I remain true to
the foundation of my previous works on the difference/confrontation systems,
I have been looking for signs of volume and space combinations throughout Le
Corbusier's architectural process in order to feed and broaden my work. I
have constructed my own vision of those pieces of architecture and, starting
with the energizing surface of the white page, I have created
by adding the metaphor of colour to the sculptural intention. Then, the
drawings take as their objects the ambivalences of ambiences, the contraries
that I could perceive. Those architectural fragments that I picked up and
stole from Le Corbusier's achievements have become a questioning born from
the gap between the subject and the project, the real and the imagined.

Daniel Aulangier

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