Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,
Va invitam sa participati la o dezbatere despre "SPATIUL PUBLIC in contextul Identitatii Europene" care va avea loc marti 10 martie 2009 ora 17:00 la MNAC Auditorium - Calea 13 Septembrie.
Pentru detalii va invitam sa consultati materialul alaturat.
Cu stima,
6 martie 2009
Secretar Executiv
arh. Cornelia Burcus
Urbanology Crash courses on a science in crisis
O dezbatere despre SPATIUL PUBLIC* in contextul mai larg al Identitatii Europene
A debate about the PUBLIC SPACE in a larger context of European Identity
Marti/ Wednesday, 10 martie/ March 2009, 17h00
MNAC Auditorium
Calea 13 Septembrie
Participanti / Participants :
Ole Bouman, Director NAI moderator (NL)
Nanne de Ru, arhitect / architect, Powerhouse Company (NL)
Hans van Houwelingen, artist (NL)
Augustin Ioan, prof. Phd arhitect / architect moderator (RO)
Stefan Ghenciulescu, arhitect / architect (RO)
Ciprian Mihali, filosof / philosopher (RO)
Participantii vor fi introdusi de / The participants will be welcomed by :
H.E. Jaap Werner Ambasadorul Regatului Tarilor de Jos / Ambassador of The Royal Netherlands Embassy
Ruxandra Balaci - Director Artistic MNAC / Artistic Director of MNAC
*Tema spatiului public va fi reluata in cadrul evenimentelor organizate in perioada 1428 mai cu prilejul Anualei de Arhitectura Bucuresti 2009 - Arhitectii si Spatiul Public. Vreme de doua saptamani, orasul va deveni prilej de discutie si spatiu de creatie: conferinte, dezbateri publice, expozitii si happening-uri urbane pe aceasta tema vor urmari sa ofere o viziune arhitecturala proaspata a unui Bucuresti posibil. Anuala de Arhitectura este organizata de OAR Bucuresti in colaborare cu Igloo media si MNAC
The theme of the public space will be re-discussed during the series of events organized between 14-28 of May for the Bucharest Annual of Architecture 2009- Architects and Public Space. Over a period of two weeks, the city will be both at the heart of heated debates and a creative melting-pot for architects and artists alike: conferences, public debates, exhibitions and urban happenings centered around this years theme, will all be aimed at providing a fresh architectural perspective on a possible Bucharest.
The Annual of Architecture is organized by OAR Bucharest in collaboration with Igloo media and MNAC.
eveniment sustinut de/ event supported by:
Netherlands Architecture Fund, Ambasada Regatului Tarilor de Jos si revista A10
Partener MNAC: BRD
Sponsori/ Sponsors: Murfatlar, Novotel
Parteneri media/ Media Partners: Igloo, Republik, Arhitectura, Feeder, 24FUN
Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,
Miercuri/ Wednesday-duminica/ Sunday 10h-18h