The city of
Ljubljana, Slovenia and partners Blagovno trgovinski center BTC, d.d., Droga
Kolinska, d.d., Gradis IPGI, d.d., Kolosej kinematografi, d.o.o., MNP
nepremičninski projekti, d.o.o., SPAR Slovenija, d.o.o., Velana, d.d. and ito,
d.d., in cooperation with the Chamber of architecture and planning of Slovenia
(ZAPS) and European Council of Town Planners (ECTP) call for an
international, public, open, anonymous, single-tier, idea urban planning
competition PARTNERShip
documents may be received at
the Chamber of architecture and planning of Slovenia ZAPS, Vegova 8, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia between 8.00 and 12.00, except on Tuesdays, when the
material will be available between 12.00 and 16.00 hours or by mail, for a fee
of 84,00 EUR (including VAT) should be paid to Chamber of architecture and
planning of Slovenia (ZAPS), Transaction account No. 03100-1001291427, at the
SKB d.d. bank, Ljubljana, IBAN SI56031001001291427 and BIC code SKBASI2X, with
annotation: »Competition Partnership martinska«
deadline for competition
entries is 11th April.2008 by 12.00. Entries have to be delivered personally in
the Secretariat of the Chamber of architecture and planning of Slovenia (ZAPS),
Vegova 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia or by the same date by mail (with validated date
on the stamp for the same day, i.e. 11th April 2008), whereby the competition
entrants are obliged to send a telegram or e-mail message to stating the entry cipher and package
Participation in the
competition is open for citizens of the Republic of Slovenia or EU member states
or companies that have their business office (registered legal person) in the
Republic of Slovenia or any of the EU member states. Among the authors the
participation of the following experts is required: architect, landscape
architect, civil engineer (traffic expert), spatial planner, of which at least
one is a registered expert in his/her professional field or a member of any of
the national associations and/or chambers, members of the ECTP.
paying the non-reimbursable fee of 84,00 EUR every applicant will receive the
complete text and graphic material on a CD by post.
For more
information visit our website (Slovene:
natečaji, aktualni natečaji, partnerstvo martinska or English: competitions, in
progress, partnership martinska) or please send an e-mail .
We are
looking forward to hear from you
Slovenian Chamber of Architecture and planning